Lablab purpureus

Common Name: 

hyacinthbean,lablab-bean,bonavist bean/pea, dolichos bean seim bean,lablab bean, Egyptian kidney be

The plant is variable due to extensive breeding in cultivation, but in general, they are annual or short-lived perennial vines. The wild species is perennial. The thick stems can reach six meters in length. The leaves are made up of three pointed leaflets each up to 15 centimeters long. They may be hairy on the undersides. The inflorescence is made up of racemes of many flowers. Some cultivars have white flowers, and others may have purplish or blue.[2] The fruit is a legume pod variable in shape, size, and color. It is usually several centimeters long and bright purple to pale green.[7] It contains up to four seeds. The seeds are white, brown, red, or black depending on the cultivar, sometimes with a white hilum. Wild plants have mottled seeds. The seed is about a centimeter long.[2]

Plant Characteristics

Plant Cycle: 

Plant Habit: 



Scientific classification



Binomial name: 

Lablab purpureus
Dolichos lablab L.
Dolichos purpureus L.

Lablab purpureus

Growing Information

Light Preference: 

Soil Requirements: 

Rich, moist, well-drained

Water Requirements: 


How to Grow: 

We love this fast growing vine for hte multitures of violet and lavender flower trusses and glossy dark violet pots that follow. Early to bloom, it will cover trellises easily and will flower all summer! The dark green leaves are tinged with purple. Introduced into gardens from Egypt in 1818. Tolerates humid heat.